DigiByte Mobile Design Contest
Calling all graphic artists / UI&UX specialists! We’re running a contest on the DigiByte Mobile Wallets future interface and design, and we want you to be a part of it.
We recently accepted donations for some developer bounties, and this contest will be a part of that.
This will be our 3rd, and we plan on splitting this up in to a few parts.
Here’s how this is going to work
The new wallets will be released looking as they are currently, first and foremost, so this customization of the wallet will come in a future release.
Now that’s out of the way, we want to run the design contest like this:
- Submissions will be accepted from people on how they think the mobile wallet should look and feel. Time to show off your awesome design / UI skills! Entries will close in approx 1 week. Countdown: https://goo.gl/yuDS7k
- We’ll collate them all and run a poll, asking users to vote for their preferred look and feel of the wallets.
- After a further week, we’ll announce the winner, and send them some DigiByte to congratulate them and thank them for their time and hard work.
- We’ll then ask for developers who can help code up the winning design after this is all completed. We’ll get people to signal their interest for this at a later stage.
So time to get editing!
What we’d like to see is your design ideas on how the new wallet could look, while keeping with our existing color scheme.
You can pull the logos and the color details from GitHub: https://github.com/digibyte/digibyte-logos
We want you to get your designs into an imgur.com album, including a DigiByte wallet address in the album details with your submission (In case you win!). Then, share the Album with us via a Reddit thread in /r/digibyte, or in the Telegram Marketing channel. We will get your submission noted down, ready for entry into the contest.
The winner with the most votes will receive 20,000DGB, with 3x runner-up prizes of 2000DGB each.
Here are some screenshots of the existing mobile wallet that we recommend you use as a template for your submission. Please keep in mind that during development there may need to be additional tweaks done in order to ensure the best ‘flow’ of the app etc with review and feedback from the Foundation / other developers
While all 6 images are not mandatory, we do request you include as many as possible, as these are what the future developers will try and use as a template for the design.
We look forward to seeing your submissions!